
Fedorova D.,Diachuk L.,Palamarek K.


The article is focused on researching and developing a technology of new pasty food products based on vegetable and fish raw materials made from powders of hydrobionts. The article presents the results of an experimental study into the effects of both domestic and imported hydrobiont powders on the organoleptic properties and chemical composition of new food products ‒ vegetable paste and fish and vegetable paste. It was experimentally established that the use of hydrobiont powders in the production of pasty food products allows increasing the content of essential nutrients and contributes to the solution of fundamental problems of disorders caused by the deficiency of calcium and iodine, omega-3 PUFA and nutritional fibers in human nutrition. The analysis of experimental data shows that the consumption vegetable paste and fish and vegetable paste products with hydrobiont powders, according to to the recommended nutrition standards for the population of Ukraine, provides from 25 to 123% of daily intake of iodine, from 20 to 30% of calcium and from 6 to 30% of daily intake of essential nutrients ‒ synergists of assimilation of iodine and calcium, which improves their bioavailability and makes it possible to classify such products as prophylactic. The use of semi-finished fish and plant powder products made from domestic fish Gobiidae and hydrobiont powders by Rieber Food Ingredients, a Norwegian company, enables the production of vegetable paste and fish and vegetable paste food products with high organoleptic quality parameters. These new technologies of food products can be recommended for introduction in catering establishments and industrial food production.


Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

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