
Kovalenko OlenaORCID,Kokhanska Anna


The article shows the situation with the production of plant raw materials processing waste, their impact on the environment, in particular, water resources. It is noted that one of the reasons for the aggravation of water problems is the discharge of untreated wastewater into water bodies, namely, by food industry enterprises. It is substantiated that developing and implementing technologies for obtaining water treatment materials from plant processing waste can solve a number of important problems for humanity. Such materials are biosorbents, which together with activated carbon obtained from fossil fuels and charcoal, belong to the group of sorption materials with a high carbon content of organic origin. An overview of the technological schemes and processes of obtaining such materials is presented. The reagents and technological parameters for the main processes are specified. It is shown that it is possible to obtain a porous material with a high carbon content and functional groups capable of ion exchange or complexation by slow pyrolysis (or carbonization). The quantitative and qualitative composition of the biosorbent, its characteristics and ability to remove impurities from water influenced by technological modes of raw materials processing, their sequence, number and type of oxidants and other reagents, chemical composition of raw materials, etc. are presented. The properties of biosorbents and their efficiency in removing various impurities from water were analyzed on the example of biosorbents obtained from pea leaves, sunflower and vine. The technical and economic aspects of creating the production of biosorbents for water treatment are formulated. It is emphasized that in order to create efficient production of biosorbents in addition to energy efficient and environmentally friendly technology, it is important to take into account the productivity of the source of raw materials, their chemical composition and shelf life, transport conditions for processing, etc. The prospects for the use of tomato processing waste as a raw material for the production of materials for water treatment are evaluated. It is mentioned that in Ukraine there is a demand for effective solutions for the disposal of these wastes. The analysis of researches of methods of reception of biosorbents from wastes of tomatoes processing and their application for extraction from water of impurity of various nature is resulted. It is shown that this area of research is promising, but still not studied enough.


Odesa National University of Technology

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