1. Unit for Severe Acquired Brain Injuries, Fondazione Istituto “San Raffaele–G. Giglio” Cefalù, Italy.
2. Neurophysiology Unit, Rehabilitation Department, Fondazione Istituto “San Raffaele–G. Giglio” Cefalù, Italy.
3. Laboratorio di Tecnologie Oncologiche (LATO), HSR Giglio, Cefalù, Italy.
4. Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology (IBFM), National Council of Research (CNR), Cefalù-Segrate, Italy.
5. Clinical Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory, Fondazione Istituto “San Raffaele–G. Giglio” Cefalù, Italy.
6. Research in Advanced Neuro-Rehabilitation, Sant'Anna Institute, Crotone, Italy.
7. Cardinal Ferrari Center, Fontanellato, Italy.
8. IRCCS S. Maugeri Foundation, Neurorehabilitation Unit, Scientific Institute of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
9. Post-Coma Unit and Headache Center, IRCCS Fondazione “Santa Lucia” Roma, Italy.
10. Department of Sciences and Biomedical Technologies, UNIMI, Segrate, Milan, Italy.