The aim of this study was to adapt the revised Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R) into Turkish language and examine its psychometric properties in a nonoverweight sample. This cross-sectional study included predominantly female individuals (83.2%), and mean age of the sample was 21.5. Final sample size included 161 university students. AAQW-R was translated into Turkish and translated back into English. Internal consistency levels for the total AAQW-R score and its subscales (i.e., food as control, weight as barrier to living, and weight stigma) were obtained for reliability. Measures of general experiential avoidance (AAQ-II), body anxiety (SPAS), dysfunctional eating attitudes (EAT-26), anxiety symptoms (GAD-7) and subjective happiness (SHS) were examined for convergent and divergent validity. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor structure of the scale. The three-factor structure model was a good fit to the data (χ2 [N = 161] = 81.27, p < .001, RMSEA = .098, 90% CI [.072, .124]). The Turkish version of AAQW-R and the subscales indicated a good level of internal consistency (α value ranging between .70 and .87). AAQW-R was found positively correlated with general experiential avoidance, dysfunctional eating attitudes and anxiety symptoms, indicating support for convergent validity. No relationship between AAQW-R and subjective happiness demonstrated evidence for divergent validity. Overall, the Turkish version of AAQW-R is valid and reliable tool to measure weight-related experiential avoidance in nonoverweight sample.
Current Research in Social Sciences
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