This research was carried out in 2021 to determine the fruit, leaf and stomata characteristics of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) genotypes grown in two separate orchards in Şanlıurfa province, which has arid and semi-arid ecological conditions in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. In the jujube genotypes examined in the study; fruit weight was 2.78-20.28 g, fruit length was 21.77-39.47 mm, fruit width was 18.62-37.23 mm, leaf area was 3.11-7.01 cm2, leaf width was 1.31-2.65 cm and leaf length was 3.29-5.09 cm. In the jujube genotypes, the number of stomata is 323.30 units mm-2 (Cultur Jujube)-333.31 units mm-2 (Wild Jujube), mean stomatal length and width are 27.22 (Wild Jujube)-28.00 µm (Cultur Jujube) and 18.21 (Wild Jujube)-20.05 µm (Cultur Jujube). According to these results, it was determined that the number of stomata, stomata width and length values of the Wild Jujube genotype, which has a smaller leaf area, did not differ from the Cultur Jujube genotype. In this respect, it is thought that the jujube plant can be used successfully in afforestation studies in arid and semi-arid ecologies, due to the fact that the stomatal density per unit area is higher than other species.
KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature
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