1. G. L. Baldwin, V. L. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "A comparison of the academic performance of Rising Scholars with other student demographic groupings before and during the COVID pandemic," in 2022 ASABE Annual Internatinal Meeting - Houston, Texas, St. Joseph, 2022c.
2. G. L. Baldwin, V. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "Mentoring low-SES students and developing professional support networks," in 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Minneapolis), Washington, DC, 2022b.
3. G. L. Baldwin, V. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "The development of professional mentors to supplement low socio-economic students' webs-of-support," in 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Baltimore), Washington, DC, 2023.
4. G. L. Baldwin, V. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "The value of climate in educational programs for diverse student populations within engineering disciplines," in ASABE 2021 AIM - Pasadena, St. Joseph, 2021a.
5. G. L. Baldwin, V. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "Using broad spectrum technological projects to introduce diverse student populations to Biological & Agricultural Engineering (BAE): a work in progress," in 2021 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Long Beach), Washington, DC, 2021b.