1. Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
3. Association for the Protection of Population
A physical model of the Universe is proposed, which is based on the idea of the world as two interconnected branches of a single evolutionary process. One branch is the creation of a postulated primary particles - forms and their cells of a multilevel oscillating structure - a Unified set of forms (USF), which, in the model, is space; second, the formation of material realities by combining the same forms in a structured space. The interaction of the same particles representing “matter” and “space” gives a strict coordination of their development at all scale levels, from elementary particles, atoms, up to Homo sapiens.
USF is the "constructor" of all material realities, and is responsible for their interactions - the forces that arise between them. So, gravitational forces are the stresses in the USF caused by its deformation (“space curvature”) by material objects. This explains its long-range and high-speed performance, which was clearly shown by experiments on elastic models.
USF also gives wave properties to all particles moving along its corridors, which determine the transmission properties of space. At this stage of knowledge, USF provides a clear physical explanation for the de Broglie hypothesis, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and some other physical phenomena. The constant interaction and mutual development of the USF and the material world give the direction of the evolution process of the Universe.