Abdraimova E.,Shoibekova A.,Zhorabaev K.
Immersive technologies and virtual reality technologies have become a powerful and promising tool in education due to their unique technological characteristics that distinguish them from other it applications. In the higher education system the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has played a role as an accelerator for the use of all forms and methods of e-learning. Mobile learning (m-learning) is characterized in the context of "smart" education, which has become one of the most viable and popular in terms of flexibility in the organization of the educational process and access to educational resources, virtualization in training. Also, mixed (hybrid) educational technologies that allow e-learning at the transition stage from their use to implementation. Providing the latest statistical data on the degree of penetration of Kazakhstan users into the mobile Internet and its development the advantages of an innovative form of education are revealed in the context.
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