Middle School Eighth Grade Students’ Perceptions of the Flag






The purpose of this study is to investigate middle school eigth grade students’ perceptions of the flag. This study was conducted as basic qualititative resarch. The data were collected through a metaphor form and student drawings and analyzed using content analysis technique. 240 metaphor forms and 155 student drawings were analyzed. As a result of the research, 8th grade students produced 87 valid metaphors about the flag. The most produced metaphors are listed as homeland, independence, martyrs, freedom and blood. The results showed that the perception of the flag in the minds of the students was gathered under six themes: “flag as a historical heritage”, “flag in terms of the values it represents”, “flag as a representation of the country/homeland”, “the flag in terms of the feelings it evokes”, “flag as a unifying/protective element” and “the flag in terms of reminding place, person, and elements.” It was determined that the theme of the flag as a historical heritage was the most prominent in both metaphors and student drawings, and that the students mostly viewed the flag as a national value symbolizing a long historical struggle.


Bilgicagi Education Consulting and Publishing Industry Trade Limited Company


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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