2. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Turks have believed in many religions/beliefs in a long historical process. Among these religions/beliefs, the belief in Shamanism/Sky God has been a priority. This belief, which places nature in its centre, has significantly affected the life and philosophy of life of the Turks. Animals have found their place in the mythology, culture, art, concept of time, literature, and many other subjects of the Turks. The Turks attributed holiness to the horse, the eagle, the deer, and many other animals, especially wolves, and placed them at the centre of their lives. In this study, various important animals for the Turks are discussed in the context of Turkish Mythology and culture; besides the characteristics of the animals, the Turkish Calendar with Twelve Animals and the animals mentioned in the main Turkish Legends (Legend of the Creation, Legend of the Origins, Legend of Oğuz Kağan, Legend of Şu, Legend of Alp Er Tunga, Legend of Satuk Buğra Han) were examined and their importance in terms of the place of animals in the lives of the Turks and the history of veterinary medicine was emphasized.
Harran Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi
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