Sustainability means meeting our own needs and wishes without compromising the needs of future generations, and having a conscious consumption habit. In addition to non-governmental organizations, local governments, governments, every individual living in the society has important duties for sustainable consumption. One of the factors affecting the sustainable consumption behaviors of individuals is personality traits. In this study, the effect of personality types of local people living in touristic destinations on sustainable consumption behavior was examined. In the study whose population consisted of the local people living in Bodrum, the five-factor personality types scale (extroverted, accommodating, self-controlled, neuroticism and openness to experience) developed by Costa and McCrae (1987) as a data collection tool was used by Doğan, Bulut, and Çımrın (2015). Sustainable consumption behavior scale developed by . The scale of sustainable consumption behavior consists of 4 factors: environmental awareness, non-necessary purchasing, savings, and reusability. Path Analysis was used to determine the effect of personality types on sustainable consumption behaviors. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that some personality types have a positive or negative significant effect on sustainable consumption behavior. In the light of the findings obtained, it is recommended to examine sustainable consumption behaviors according to the demographic characteristics of the participants, permanent or temporary residence and sustainable consumption motivations in future studies.
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