Evaluation of Spatial Design Criteria and Qualities of an Academic Library by Architecture Students


BODUR Alper1,KESKİN Kader1




The changing conditions of the day lead to changes in the forms and functions of the spaces and structures with the needs of the users. This change manifests itself not only in individual spaces, but also in structures with collective use, sharing and different functions such as libraries. Library structures not only support education, but also lead and support the socio-cultural and economic development of societies. Libraries come in many different forms for user diversity. At this point, academic libraries gain importance with the support and service they offer to scientists as well as students. However, it is also a fact that the traditional library services and structures, where various resources and collections are brought together, offered to the service of users and stored, do not meet the changing technological and social needs of the day. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that user requests and needs can be easily met with the fiction and design that will be created with the right methods. In this context, the subject of the research is to understand whether the current physical conditions of the academic libraries meet the needs of the users, to evaluate how the spatial design criteria and qualities of the new generation academic libraries to be built are perceived by the students of the architecture department, to reveal the expectations and satisfaction level of the library users from the services provided and spatially. Within the scope of the study, Ondokuz Mayıs University Central Library was analyzed and student interviews were conducted. After the data and findings obtained from the studies were analyzed, suggestions were made on the subject in line with the results.


Ordu University


General Medicine

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