Carmine cochineal: fortune wasted in northern Ethiopia Tesfay Belay


Belay Tesfay


Carmine cochineal, Dactylopius coccus Costa, was introduced to northern Ethiopia to addconsiderable value to existing cactus pear vegetation that in places like the southern Tigraywas becoming an invasive plant. It became an investment opportunity where Foodsafe, aChilean company was involved. Company was granted 300 ha at the cactus pear infestedplains of southern Tigray. Foodsafe was also expected to expand cochineal productionthrough an outgrower scheme. It created employment opportunity for the locals and startedexporting dried cochineal to Mexico and Germany bringing in foreign currency. As cactuspear grows in communal lands, conflict of interest arose and it polarised the community. Thecompany was forcibly closed and it was a tragedy that a one time commercial insect becamea full-fledged invasive insect pest. Attempts to contain the insect with mechanical andchemical control were not successful. So far more than 16,000 ha of cactus pear land wasinfested with carmine cochineal. 13,000 ton of dried cochineal could have been harvested ina single year, generated USD $52 million, and part of that money could have been used forits management.


Professional Association for Cactus Development







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