The Effect of Work Hardening on the Structure and Hardness of Hadfield Steel


Bańkowski Damian1ORCID,Młynarczyk Piotr S.1ORCID,Depczyński Wojciech P.1ORCID,Bolanowski Kazimierz1ORCID


1. Kielce University of Technology, Poland


The article aims to characterize Hadfield steel by analyzing its chemical composition, mechanical properties, and microstructure. The study focused on the twinning-induced work hardening of the alloy, which led to an increase in its hardness. The experimental data show that the material hardness at the surface improved considerably after solution heat treatment and work hardening, reaching more than 750 HV. By contrast, the hardness of the material core in the supersaturated condition was about 225 HV. The chemical and phase compositions of the material at the surface were compared with those of the core. The microstructural analysis of the steel revealed characteristic decarburization of the surface layer after solution heat treatment. The article also describes the effects of heat treatment on the properties and microstructure of Hadfield steel. The volumetric (qualitative) analysis of the computed tomography (CT) data of Hadfield steel subjected to heavy dynamic loading helped detect internal flaws, assess the material quality, and potentially prevent the structural failure or damage of the element tested.


Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery

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