Vision of the Cross-Border Zeolitic Tuff Cluster


Rodzinka Jacek,Leśniowska Małgorzata,Wojnarowska-Dygdoń Aleksandra


The natural consequence of observed changes and trends in the macroeconomic scale include formation of the clusters. Nowadays, clustering is an increasingly more popular form of business organization, and it is becoming more significant from year to year. In Poland, clusters are relatively new forms of self-organization business, which are supported by the administrative authorities, and is based on mutual cooperation between entrepreneurs or producers and development research units on a specific area. The aim of the project carried out by University of Management and Administration in Zamość entitled “Description of an innovative model of cross-border application of zeolitic tuffs” was establishment of a functioning institutionalized cooperation networks in the form of a cross-border zeolitic tuff cluster on a Polish-Ukrainian cross-border area. The objective of this article is to present mission and vision of the Cross-border Zeolitic Tuff Cluster. Mainly, the authors focus on a various possibilities of application of zeolitic tuffs and main areas of functioning of the cluster. On this basis, authors described strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of functioning of the Cross-border Zeolitic Tuff Cluster and proposed the development trends of cluster.


Akademia Zamojska


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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