Clinical and endoscopic diagnosis of MALT-lymphoma of the duodenum


Korzheva I. Yu.1ORCID,Chernekhovskaya N. E.2,Razzhivina A. A.2,Hayrapetyan N. A.2ORCID,Tyurin A. E.3


1. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; S.P. Botkin Municipal Clinical Hospital

2. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

3. S.P. Botkin Municipal Clinical Hospital


Clinical relevance. Duodenal MALT-lymphoma, a rare disease of the duodenum with a blurred clinical picture, frequently is an incidental finding at esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Therefore, the authors presented a clinical observation of a 59-yearold patient, whose diagnosis was established on the basis of endoscopic imaging, morphological and immunohistochemical investigations of biopsy material.The purpose of the study was to demonstrate clinical observation of MALT-lymphoma of duodenumMaterials and methods: The case history of a 59-year-old patient diagnosed with duodenal MALT-lymphoma is presented.


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