The possibilities of phytotherapy in the treatment of patients with functional disorders of the digestive tract


Skazyayeva E. V.1,Bakulin I. G.1,Avalueva E. B.1,Skalinskaya M. I.1,Zhuravleva M. S.1,Lapinskii I. V.1


1. Federal public budget educational institution of higher education “North-West State Medical University. II Mechnikov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Functional diseases of the digestive tract are frequent enough pathology, there is often a combination of different variants of functional disorders. Having common pathogenetic mechanisms of development, they require the search for complex therapeutic approaches that allow increasing the effectiveness of treatment and avoiding polypharmacy. The appointment of a combined herbal preparation Iberogast®, which has a scientifically proven multipurpose action, can simultaneously treat multiple disorders in patients with this pathology. Acting on different targets simultaneously, the components of the medicine have a synergistic effect, potentiating the actions of each other. The eff ectiveness and safety of Iberogast® in the treatment of functional diseases of the digestive tract is based on a large number of clinical studies and corresponds to the level of evidence 1A.


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