Chronic gastroduodenitis in children from the perspective of teaching about types of constitution


Balko O. A.1,Sapozhnikov V. G.1


1. Tula State University


Aims. Study of clinical-diagnostic features of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis in children taking into account types of constitution (somatotypes). As well as the impact of these features on the course of the disease. Materials and methods. 167 patients diagnosed with “Chronic gastroduodenitis” aged from 4 to 17 years were examined, having morphological changes in the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum, meeting the criteria of gastroduodenitis. An estimate was made of the age, gender composition, types of constitution according to the classification of M. V. Chernorutsky (based on the Pinje Index). Clinical-anamnestic and laboratory-instrumental features of the course of chronic gastroduodenitis in a certain somatotype are noted. The effect of the patient’s constitutional specificity on the course of the disease was analyzed and evaluated. Results and conclusion. It has been revealed that the presence of the asthenic somatotype leads to the frequent development of chronic gastroduodenitis in children, but a lighter course, unlike the normosthenics, and the presence of the hypersthenic somatotype as a whole is a protective factor in the development and course of the disease.


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