Dynamics of the level of hormones-regulators of gastric motility when drinking low-mineralized water


Shklyaev A. E.1,Kazarin D. D.1,Benderskaya E. Yu.1,Grigorieva O. A.1,Merzlyakova Yu. S.1


1. Izhevsk State Medical Academy


Purpose of the study: To assess the effect of low-mineralized sulfate-chloride-sodium mineral water (MW) on the level of motilin and cholecystokinin in the blood in functional dyspepsia and in healthy people. Materials and methods. 180 people aged 22.3±0.21 years were examined, divided into 3 groups: patients with postprandial distress syndrome (PDS) (62 people), patients with epigastric pain syndrome (EPS) (62 people), practically healthy (56 people). The severity of gastroenterological symptoms was determined using the GSRS questionnaire. In all examined patients, the concentrations of motilin and cholecystokinin in the blood were determined initially and after a single dose of 200 ml of MW. Results. The initial concentration of motilin in the blood of patients with EPS (8584,0 [7951,0; 9807,0] pg/ml) was lower than in patients with PDS (9876,0 [9340,0; 10219,0] pg/ml, p=0,000) and healthy (9779,5 [9230,0; 10027,0] pg/ml, p=0,000). The intake of MW in healthy people did not cause changes in the concentration of motilin in the blood (p=0,352), in patients with PDS it led to a decrease in its level (p=0,000), and to an increase in EPS (p=0,000). The initial level of cholecystokinin in the blood of patients with EPS (187,7 [124,0; 230,1] pg/ml) was higher (p=0,008), and in those examined with PDS (123,3 [83,5; 143,2 ] pg/ml) is lower (p=0,000) than in healthy people (145,3 [107,1; 186,2] pg/ml). MW intake led to an increase in its concentration in all three groups: healthy (p=0,014), patients with PDS (p=0,000) and EPS (p=0,000). Conclusion. Peculiarities of the dynamics of the level of motilin and cholecystokinin in the blood of patients with PDS, EPS and healthy people when taking low-mineralized sulfate-chloride-sodium MW, which must be taken into account when developing schemes for drinking balneotherapy for functional pathology of the stomach, were revealed.


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