Modern possibilities for preventing the formation of liver fibrosis in children: the basics of preventive pediatric hepatology


Grigoryev K. I.1,Kharitonova L. A.1


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Liver fibrosis is a natural outcome of almost any liver disease with a steady increase in incidence throughout the world. Considering the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis, the doctor-researcher is faced with the fact that the balance of regeneration processes in relation to the process of chronic inflammation is disturbed. The extracellular matrix accumulates in the liver tissue. Although this is a genetically determined process, but modifying factors play an important role in the progression of the disease. Liver fibrosis in its dynamic development leads to liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma. Current data indicate the possibility of reversibility of liver fibrosis at any stage. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of the development of the pathological process is a key area of work for scientists involved in the development of antifibrotic therapy. The article discusses modern views on the prevention of the disease and the prospects for influencing the processes of liver fibrosis with an emphasis on childhood.


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