Cigarette smoke and intestinal microbiota - what do we know?


Uspensky Yu. P.1ORCID,Fominykh Yu. A.1ORCID,Bashkina O. A.2ORCID,Nadzhafova K. N.3ORCID,Imanverdieva N. A.2ORCID


1. Saint- Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

2. Astrakhan State Medical University

3. Saint- Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


The gut microbiota is a unique structure that is normally in an equilibrium state and performs a huge number of diverse functions. Cigarette smoke modifies the intestinal microbiota through a variety of mechanisms and affects the work of enzymes associated with oxidative stress, the mucin layer and the expression of proteins of dense contacts of the intestinal mucosa, the balance of acids and bases in the colon. And this is in addition to the direct toxic effects of many components of tobacco smoke and the spread of bacteria directly from cigarettes. The article examines the data of modern literature on the complex and ambiguous mechanisms of the influence of tobacco smoke and its individual components on the gut microbiota.


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