Morphofunctional characteristics of the liver and pancreas under the influence of the hepatoprotector “Remaxol” against the background of acute alcohol damage in rats


Glushkova T. G.1ORCID,Lentsova S. I.1ORCID,Gorbunova M. A.1ORCID


1. Izhevsk State Medical Academy


The goal. To study the effect of hepatoprotective drug “Remaxol” on morphology of the liver and pancreas as well as on blood serum indices in rats with alcohol damage. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on mature male white laboratory rats divided into three groups: the first (control group) - intact animals, the second and third (experimental groups) - daily part of the rats received 40 % aqueous ethanol solution (96 % ethanol in a dose of 8ml/kg weight) for 7 days, then part of the rats from the experimental group were injected “Remaxol” in a dose 5 mg/kg weight daily for 7 days. Morphological study of the liver and its macrostructure was carried out; diameters of hepatocytes, sinusoid capillaries and pancreatic acini in animals of the control and experimental groups were measured; general and biochemical blood parameters were assessed. Results. Blood tests demonstrated acute alcohol poisoning in experimental groups (leukocytosis); short-term (7 days) alcohol damage had less effect on the size of hepatocytes than on the size of pancreatic acini; pancreatic acini were more reactive on toxic influence of alcohol; in the liver and pancreas there were signs of inflammatory reaction (cell swelling, lymphocytes infiltration). Conclusion. Histological picture of the liver and pancreas of the animals with acute alcohol poisoning on the background of “Remaxol” treatment showed a decrease in the toxic effect of 40 % alcohol on hepatocytes and pancreatocytes, normalization of their morphological parameters.


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