Obesity and menstrual disorders in adolescent girls -is there a relationship?


Liskina A. S.1ORCID,Nikitina I. L.1ORCID


1. Almazov National Medical Research Center


The development of menstrual cycle disorders (MCD) in adolescent girls is often combined with obesity, therefore, it seems relevant to study the effect of pathological body weight gain on pubertal development. The purpose of the study. To study the association of obesity and menstrual disorders in adolescent girls. Materials and methods. Group 1 (40 people): obese and MCD, group 2 (40 people): with obesity without MCD. Laboratory tests: assessment of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, calculation of the HOMA index; blood plasma levels of kisspeptin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine, total testosterone, prolactin, free androgen index (ISA), anti-muller hormone (AMH), 17-0H Progesterone(17-OHP), lutenizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (Е2). The obtained data were analyzed by constructing a mathematical model of the pathogenetic mechanisms associated with MCD in obese adolescent girls. Results. There were no differences in the degree of obesity in the groups: SDS BMI (Me1=2.9; Me2=2.94, p=0.459). In group 1, significantly more often: impaired glucose tolerance (1 g.=15%; 2 g.=2.5%, p=0.048) (NTU), hypertriglyceridemia (1 g.=37.5%; 2 g.=15%, p=0.048). Significantly higher in the group with MCD: levels of LH (Me1=8.85 mIU/ml; Me2=6.70 mIU/ml, p=0.022), kisspeptin (Me1=55.4 pg/ml; Me2=38.3 pg/ml, p=0.001), total testosterone (Me1=1.90 nmol/l; Me2=1.25 nmol/l, p=0.026), ISA (Me1=14.5; Me2=8.65, p=0.027), AMG (Me1=6.61 ng/ml; Me2=24.26 ng /ml, p=0.014), with a significantly lower level of Е2 (Me1=33.5 pg/ml; Me2=5.0 pg/ml, p=0.012). Conclusions. 1. Adolescent girls with obesity and MCD are significantly more likely to have NTU and hypertriglyceridemia compared with girls with similar severity of obesity without MCD; 2. When obesity and MCD are combined, significantly higher levels of kisspeptin, LH, AMH, total testosterone, ISA are noted; 3. Among the pathogenetic mechanisms associated with MCD, hormonal and matabolic independent associations have been established, the effect of which is independent; hormonal: kisspeptin - LH - testosterone, and metabolic: BMI - insulin and BMI - leptin.


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