Metabolic basis for substantiation of nutrition therapy in chronic liver diseases


Pershko Anatoli M.1,Yarovenko I. I.1,Pershko V. A.1


1. Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov


Over the past 10 years, an in-depth study of metabolic processes in chronic liver diseases and the rapid development of new technologies in the production of macro- and nutrients, pharmacological nutrients in clinical dietetics and nutritional science have led to the creation of fundamentally new approaches in nutritional therapy for these diseases. It is recognized that dietary interventions for chronic liver diseases should not only follow the general recommendations indicated as the need for energy and protein, but also contribute to the normalization of the amino acid composition of the blood, the metabolism of macro- and microelements, vitamins, etc. Methods of dietary correction are of particular importance hepatic encephalopathy, as well as the use of micro- and pharmacological nutrients for therapeutic purposes.


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