The development of liver cirrhosis in a patient taking long-term weight loss supplements


Goma T. V.1ORCID,Kozlova N. M.1ORCID,Boldyreva K. S.1ORCID


1. Irkutsk State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation


Dietary supplements are often self-administered by patients for weight loss. However, the hepatotoxicity of such supplements remains underestimated. Liver damage is diverse: from asymptomatic reversible course to lethal fulminant hepatitis. In the case of a long unrecognized course and prolonged use of dietary supplements, irreversible structural and functional damage to the organ occurs. We present a retrospective analysis of the case histories of a patient with liver cirrhosis, who has a long history of using dietary supplements of Thai and Chinese origin, hellebore extract, during 5 years of follow-up. Despite the discontinuation of weight loss drugs, regular complex therapy, the patient has a steady progressive course of the disease. Obese patients with an increased risk of liver damage require a dynamic assessment of liver function, not only when prescribing drugs, but also when using various dietary supplements.


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