Perioperative treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease in children


Yusupov Sh. A.1ORCID,Atakulov J. O.1ORCID,Shamsiyev A. M.1ORCID,Shamsiev J. A.1ORCID


1. Samarkand State Medical University


The aim of this work: to evaluate the eff ectiveness of the developed methods of perioperative treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease in children. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the 2nd SamMI clinic in the period from 2002 to 2022. The obtained data were compared by correlation analysis with clinical and laboratory indices and with changes in solar activity by Wolf’s numbers of the period of child embryogenesis, data of Murmansk Department of HMP). Results. The results of the study of the activity of redox enzymes have established the following. When comparing the enzyme spectrum of the affected intestine and intact muscle, only a difference in the activity of SDH and LDH is revealed. Taking into account the activity of all enzymes in relation to the activity of SDH, it can be noted that alternative energy sources have a greater specific weight in the intestinal mucosa than in the muscle.


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