Possibilities of improving the effectiveness of treatment of manifestations of metabolic syndrome in the elderly (on the example of taurine)


Golovanova E. V.1


1. Moscow State University of Medicine and Density n. a. A. I. Evdokimov


The article presents modern data on the formation and manifestations of multiple metabolic disorders with an emphasis on the features of pathology in old age. Age-related changes in nutrition, physical activity, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are additional risk factors for the development of metabolic syndrome and determine the high prevalence of this pathology in old age. Multiple metabolic disorders aggravate the course of each of them and worsen the prognosis due to high risks of cardiovascular and other types of mortality. Timely diagnosis and effective correction of metabolic syndrome manifestations will reduce these risks and increase life expectancy while improving its quality. In order to increase the effectiveness of basic therapy of metabolic disorders, the use of drugs capable of positively affecting multiple metabolic disorders has been shown. In particular, this paper provides an evidence base for the effectiveness of taurine in patients with metabolic syndrome. When using taurine in addition to basic standard therapy, there is a significant decrease in blood pressure, glucose levels, insulin, serum lipid spectrum, body mass index.


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