Hyperammonemia in patients with stable angina pectoris and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease at the steatosis stage


Zykina E. J.1,Simonova Zh. G.1ORCID


1. Kirov state medical university of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


The aim. To assess the severity of hyperammoniemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at the steatosis stage in conditions of comorbidity with stable angina. Research materials and methods. During the clinical trial, three groups of patients with stable angina were formed. Group I (n = 43) consisted of patients with NAFLD at the stage of hepatic steatosis in combination with obesity and a stable form of CHD. Group II (n = 41) - patients with NAFLD at the stage of hepatic steatosis against the background of normal body weight and stable CHD. Group III (control) (n = 42) - patients with stable angina without NAFLD, with normal body weight. The results of laboratory examination (clinical and biochemical blood tests, lipidograms, insulin levels (calculated by HOMA-IR), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc)) were evaluated; non-invasive markers for the diagnosis of liver injury. Hyperammonemia was evaluated by quantitative rapid ammonia analysis using a Pocket Chem TM BA PA-4140 analyzer. All patients underwent ultrasound of the liver using Philips Epiq 5 (USA). Results. In all patients with stable angina (group I and II), the diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, steatosis stage, was confirmed. The lipid profile of patients in Groups I and II showed more significant hypertriglyceridemia compared to those in the control group, with no statistical difference in Groups I and II. The mean ammonium level in patients with NAFLD in combination with stable CHD (group I, II) was above the threshold and was 87 (57-127.5) and 79 (57-97) μmol/L, respectively, and did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). In patients of group III (without liver disease), the mean values of ammonia in the blood were in the target range. According to the results of correlation analysis, we established the relationship of ammonium with liver enzymes, calculated steatosis indices and basic metabolic indicators. Conclusion. Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the steatosis stage with a combination of stable angina have more severe hyperammonemia compared to patients with stable CHD without concomitant liver injury.


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