Biliary gastritis. Pathomorphological features and differential diagnosis


Nasyrov R. A.1,Fominykh Yu. A.2,Kalinina E. Yu.1,Kizimova O. A.1,Kovtun D. P.3,Shcherbakova E. V.4,Minina O. S.1,Zavitaeva A. P.1


1. Saint- Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

2. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; Saint- Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

3. Saint- Petersburg State Budgetary Health Institution “City Clinical Oncology Center”

4. Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Leningrad Region


The review article discusses the modern pathogenetic links of biliary gastritis, namely the role of endothelial dysfunction, intestinal metaplasia in inflammation and the influence of Helicobacter pylori infection. The problem of combined damage to the mucous membrane of HP-associated and biliary gastritis remains relevant, since modern foreign studies have not come to a consensus, but most authors state increased carcinogenesis of the stomach with a positive HP status against the background of the course of pathological duodenogastric reflux. The article also presents original materials of histological examination of biliary, HP-associated, autoimmune and hyperplastic gastritis with similar morphological features, thereby demonstrating the difficulties of differential diagnosis.


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