Clinical and laboratory features of the course of non-alcoholic liver steatosis in women in the early postmenopausal period living on the territory of an industrial megapolis


Bulatova I. A.1,Shevlyukova T. P.2,Sobol A. A.3,Gulyaeva I. L.1


1. Perm State Medical University n. a. E. A. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

2. Tyumen State Medical University

3. Women’s Health Clinic


The aim. To study risk factors, clinical features, anthropometric, biochemical and metabolic parameters, parameters of the functional state of the endothelium, the level of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and markers of hemostasis in patients with non-alcoholic liver steatosis in the early postmenopausal period living in Perm. Materials and methods. 100 women in the early postmenopausal period were examined: 70 patients with the clinical form non-alcoholic liver steatosis and overweight or obesity of varying severity (49.9±1.1 years) and 30 practically healthy women without obesity and liver pathology (47.3±2.6 years). Biochemical parameters, lipid spectrum, insulin, leptin, leptin receptors, interleukin-6 (IL-6), markers of endothelial dysfunction, hemostasis parameters were determined in the blood of all subjects, body mass index (BMI), free leptin index, NOMA-IR and Caro were calculated. Liver steatosis was determined by ultrasound examination. Results. General weakness (35%), severity (35%) and pain (15%) in the right hypochondrium (35%), dyspepsia - belching (25%), nausea (15%), heartburn (10%), flatulence (10%). Hypertension was observed in 60% of women, type 2 diabetes mellitus - in 24%. All patients had a genoid type of obesity. 34% of women with non-alcoholic liver steatosis were overweight, 29% were obese of the 1st degree, 23% were obese of the 2nd degree, and 14% of patients were obese of the 3rd degree. Conclusion: In the examined women with non-alcoholic liver steatosis in the early postmenopausal period living in Perm, risk factors for the development of obesity were identified: consumption of high-calorie foods with high fat and sugar content and hypokinesia, and the course of the disease was accompanied by the development of dyslipidemia, insulin and leptin resistance, inflammatory syndrome with activation of proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 and hyperfibrinogenemia, and also endothelial dysfunction, the severity of which increased during the transition from 1 to 2-3 degrees of obesity.


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