Assessing student’s satisfaction on school meal


Gumeniuk O. I.1ORCID,Khalmurzieva E. D.1,Akhmedova I. K.1,Chernenkov Yu. V.1ORCID,Denisova A. A.1


1. Saratov state medical university


Purpose of the study. Assessing students’ satisfaction on school meal. Materials and methods. A survey was conducted of 395 elementary school students and 232 high school students) schoolchildren for assessing satisfaction with the school meal. Results. The analysis of the questionnaires showed that 55% of respondents eat in the school cafeteria, half of them are satisfied with the menu, and they also consider the food healthy and complete. The main reasons for refusing hot meals are: cold food (49%), lack of time for eating and small portions (44%), unsatisfactory taste qualities of the products offered (38%). Most of the students paid attention to the monotony of the side dish (buckwheat porridge), the absence of vegetable salads in the menu and the need to increase the amount of poultry meat (chicken). More than half of the respondents (69%) regularly buy buffet products, represented mainly by dough products (pies, buns, etc.).


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