Simulation of competitiveness of a trade enterprise on the basis of econometric approach


Riznyk NataliiaORCID,Berestetska OlenaORCID,Ivaskiv Nelya


Competition is an important attribute of a market economy and is the basis of the whole mechanism of commodity production, market economy and creates a powerful alternative to monopolization in the economy. Competition is an important factor in stimulating economic activity, increasing diversity and improving product quality, reducing costs and stabilizing economic growth. In market conditions, an important problem is the analysis and modeling of competitiveness as the ability of economic units to function effectively in the market, this is especially true for commercial enterprises. The main purpose of this article is to determine and analyze the system of measures necessary for econometric modeling the competitiveness of a commercial enterprise on the basis of the developed algorithm. The authors solved a number of tasks, in particular, analyzed in detail each of the algorithm steps and adapted to the features and needs of the trading company. Methods of analysis and synthesis, analytical generalizations, the graphical method for the construction of the main stages of the algorithm, as well as mathematical modeling, in particular, econometric modeling are used in the research. The obtained algorithm is the basis for modeling the competitiveness of a trading company based on the econometric approach. The application of this algorithm will make it possible to obtain not only adequate econometric models, but also effective management decisions for enterprise development based on the detailed analysis and research of these models. Further research is needed to identify the impact factors that are important for the activities of a commercial enterprise and that can be quantified and used to model competitiveness.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


General Engineering

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