Use of supply chains in the conditions of digitalization of the economy


Koliadenko SvitlanaORCID


With the development of modern society and rapid changes in the existence of economic systems of production, consumption, and especially the distribution of products, services, information, etc., much attention is paid to the introduction of tools for digitalization of economic processes. including, such urgent as global warming and environmental pollution), in particular in logistics processes, which are part of supply chains. The specifics of the innovation environment and its use as a basic element for the introduction of digitalization processes in supply chains are considered, and the stages of formation of the innovation environment of enterprises that will be the basis for creating the actual supply chains are identified; the necessity of using the tools of digital transformation of the business model of supply chains with the use of certain world trends in the development of logistics and supply chains for the future with their adjustment to solve more pressing areas of world problems (global warming and greening), which is especially important when the world economy enters the so-called third wave of globalization, which will contribute to the development of the digital economy, and it is the processes of digitalization in it, small and medium-sized businesses supply and the world economy, in the third wave will occur due to individual, primarily small companies, and each of them is not able and not appropriate to develop digital supply chains, they are already developed and should be used by such companies; the relationship between the use of modern supply chains and tools for their improvement, developed in the process of digitalization of economic processes, using examples of modern global logistics companies for implementation in Ukraine, involving domestic IT professionals.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


General Engineering

Reference15 articles.

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