The development of the market of international road freight transport directly depends on the use of innovative technologies in the processes of transportation, logistics, physical distribution, due to the implementation of the concept of Industry 4.0. This leads to the need to restructure the stereotypes of transport operation and the rapid introduction of modern technologies in the activities of motor transport enterprises in order to increase the economic efficiency of their operation. The article is devoted to the research of ways to increase the economic efficiency of the functioning of motor transport enterprises of Ternopil region in the segment of international road transport. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of international freight carriers registered in the Ternopil region, which revealed the key factors influencing the efficiency of their operation in the modern economy. According to the results of the survey of international carriers of Ternopil region, the factors influencing the efficiency of transportation were selected and structured, divided into external and internal, and they, in turn, were divided into positive and negative. The algorithm of economically justified choice of strategy of the motor transport enterprise, considering its current economic condition is made. It is recommended during the substantiation to use an enlarged set of mathematical models for determining the criterion of efficiency, in accordance with the current economic condition of the trucking company. The expediency of forming a database of methodological approaches and models for determining the economic efficiency of transportation, in particular in international traffic, is determined. The examples illustrate the selection of methods for determining the criterion of economic efficiency of transportation in accordance with the current state of the trucking company, during the reasonable choice of strategy.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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