Yefremenko Viktoriia,Natoloka Viktoriia
The article analyzes the experience of scientific research of some Ukrainian scientists in the issues of ensuring the housing rights of citizens and legal constructions of ensuring the housing rights of citizens in the conditions of armed aggression of the russian federation, as well as the issue of implementing the housing rights of forced migrants in Ukraine. The number of information messages about damaged or destroyed housing as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation from citizens of Ukraine through the Ukrainian electronic service of public services «Diya» was considered, as well as the most affected regions were determined. The possibility of Ukrainian citizens who have suffered from military aggression to appeal to the European Court, which acts on the basis of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the controversial issues of receiving compensation in the event of such appeals have been revealed. The draft law on compensation for damage and destruction of certain categories of real estate objects as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by the military aggression of the russian federation was analyzed and the main amendments to this draft law were established. The main theses of the Law of Ukraine «On compensation for damage and destruction of certain categories of immovable property as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine» and the State Register of Property Damaged and Destroyed as a result of hostilities and terrorist acts were studied, sabotage, the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, and the main methods, process and conditions of receiving compensation have been updated. The main issues of preparing documents for receiving compensation for real estate destroyed as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation have been determined. Problematic issues of compensation for the destruction of non-residential real estate of enterprises are analyzed. The need to support enterprises in matters of compensation for destroyed or damaged non-residential real estate, as business entities and their role in supporting the state economy, is substantiated. The list of documents that business entities need to receive future compensation for destroyed or damaged non-residential real estate has been established.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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