Research of the quantitative indicators of the functioning of the public procurement system in Ukraine


Yuriі Eduard


The article examines quantitative indicators of the functioning of the public procurement system in Ukraine. It is emphasized that in modern conditions of transformation of economic processes, public procurement is an effective tool for implementing economic policy and solving tactical and strategic tasks of the state. The development of the current system of public procurement in Ukraine is taking into account the consequences of the full-scale Russian invasion, the introduction of martial law, and the conduct of active hostilities on the territory of the country. It is emphasized that public procurement has an impact on the country's economy through the implementation of its functions. It is noted that despite the existing shortcomings, the system of public procurement can become an important lever for the development of the economy of Ukraine. Confirmation of the significance and perspective of public procurement in Ukraine is their dynamics. Comparative analysis shows that the volume of public procurement is increasing every year. However, martial law significantly affected the quantitative indicators of public procurement, especially in terms of the application of competitive procurement procedures. The number of both customers who make public purchases and participants who offer goods, works, and services has significantly decreased. Analysis of customer dynamics by region showed significant changes caused by the consequences of the full-scale invasion of Russia and hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Attention was drawn to the fact that in 2022, compared to 2021, there was a change in the geography of the organizers in terms of the number of purchases made. During the research period, the largest number of lots belonged to participants representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the smallest individuals. The specific weight of contracts concluded in 2022 with foreign participants is insignificant and amounts to 2.7% of the total number. Despite this, it is important that the system of public procurement in Ukraine, despite military operations, continues to develop. It was determined that the question of the next study of the value indicators of the functioning of the public procurement system in Ukraine is expedient and relevant.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

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