The concept of «New Public Management»: the main elements


Dziuba Hryhorii


This article analyzes the content of the concept of New Public Management, abbreviated NPM, which was developed in the 1980s and 1990s in response to the need to improve the efficiency of the management of State structures, in particular in leading countries – the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Netherlands. Special attention was paid to the core principles and mechanisms of the New Public Management concept. The essence of the following principles is revealed: customer orientation, effectiveness and efficiency, manageability. The concept of NPM comes from the idea that public organizations should operate on the basis of a business approach, using strategies and tools that are successfully applied in the private sector. In addition to customer orientation, the concept of NPM includes the principle of effectiveness and efficiency. According to this principle, public organizations should be aimed at achieving measurable results, as well as using resources efficiently. Mechanisms such as decentralization, contract management, quality management and participatory budgeting are implemented to achieve these goals. Decentralization is one of the key mechanisms of the NPM concept, which consists of deconcentration, devolution and delegation. The article analyzes all three types with different approaches to the redistribution of powers and responsibilities, both between the central and lower levels of public administration, and within the same horizon. The method of transfer of powers analyzed in the article promotes greater flexibility and speed of response to customer needs and ensures greater responsibility of local authorities. The next important mechanism of the «New Public Management» concept, which is analyzed in the article, is contract management, which involves concluding contracts between state organizations and their clients. It was determined that contract management contributes to ensuring the quality of the provided services and stimulates the effective use of budget resources. Another important mechanism that is important in the private sector and should be implemented in the public sector is the quality management mechanism. The quality management mechanism involves the application of a quality management system that allows monitoring and improving the quality of the services provided. The introduction of KPI indicators will provide an opportunity to more efficiently meet the needs of consumers of public services and increase trust in public organizations. Participatory budgeting is a mechanism that involves the general public, both at the state and local levels, in the decision-making process and the allocation of budgetary resources. Such a mechanism for determining and distributing budget funds will contribute to greater transparency and openness of public management, as well as provide an opportunity for the public to influence decision-making that really concerns their needs and interests. The last mechanism that has been explored within the NPM concept is e-government. This mechanism allows the use of information and communication technologies to improve management processes and provide services to citizens. E-government facilitates the convenience and speed of interaction between state bodies and citizens, and also increases the level of accessibility and quality of public services. In the conclusion, the author indicated which mechanisms need improvement and/or implementation in the public sector of Ukraine.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


General Medicine

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