Buketov Andrii,Klevtsov Kostiantyn,Sapronov Oleksandr,Sharko Oleksandr,Nehrutsa Roman
The important feature of the ship transportation systems and facilities operation is the possibility of using methods of current and capital repair of machines and mechanisms. The durability of machine parts and elementsoperation significantly depends on the state of the mechanisms at the current moment, the critical conditions of their thermal and power load. This applies especially to engine room components of modern vessels. Based on the above-mentioned problem, the solution of the issue of current repair of transport systems and facilities is important today, since the occurrence of emergency condition while the systems are in operation requires their immediate leveling during the vessels voyage. In this context, the application of modern strategies for the repairing of transport systems and facilities, which involve the use of modified polymer epoxy plastics, is promising. The development of new materials with improved properties is impossible without scientific research of their cohesive characteristics. The latter can be improved by introducing chemically active modifiers into epoxy oligomer. The optimal content of the modifier in the epoxy oligomer was determined in this paper according to the cohesive strength criteria, such as destructive stresses and flexural elastic modulus, impact strength of composites. Epoxy oligomer ED-20 was chosen as the basis for binder formation. Compositions were polymerized with PEPA hardener. 2.4-diaminoazobenzene-4’-carboxylic acid was used as a modifier. It is proved that for the formation of materials with improved cohesive properties, it is necessary to use the composition of the following content: epoxy oligomer ED-20 (100 wt. parts), hardener PEPA (10 wt. parts), modifier 2.4-diaminoazobenzene-4’-carbonate acid (0.5... 1.0 wt. parts). The formation of such material ensures significant increase in the mechanical properties of composites compared to the original epoxy matrix. An important scientific and technical problem regarding the improvement of modern strategies for transport systems and facilities repairing by means of new modified epoxy plastics is solved in this paper. This is achieved by selecting the structural component materials based on the results of the investigations of interphase interaction processes during the formation of heterogeneous systems and their cohesive properties.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Psychiatry and Mental health
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