Lupenko Serhii,Lytvynenko Iaroslav,Hotovych Volodymyr,Zozulia Andrii,Chizoba Nnamene,Volyanyk Oleksandr
The article gives the reasoning to the relevance of developing a generalized architecture of integrated onto-oriented information environment for simulation and processing of cyclic signals based on the theory of cyclic functional relations, as well as formulates the general requirements to it and its developingt. The research deals with statement of and creating the generalized architectures of the components of the integrated onto-oriented information environment for simulation and processing of cyclic signals, namely, for information-oriented reference system in the field of simulation and processing of cyclic signals; knowledge base of the integrated information environment, the core of which is the corresponding ontology; onto-oriented expert decision support system in the field of simulation and processing of cyclic signals; information system with onto-oriented architecture for simulation and processing of cyclic signals.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University