Calculation of electric potentials on the surfaces of interaction of deformable metal bodies with hydrogen-containing environment


Stashchuk Mykola,Pukach Petro,Irza Evgen,Hromyak Roman,Stashchuk Nazar


In most cases the metal structures service under operating conditions results in the fact that these structures or their certain elements are constantly affected not only by mechanical factors (load, residual stresses, etc.), but also by the environment. Elements of pipelines, load-bearing sections of thermal and hydroelectric power stations, metal structures of bridges are all influenced by the environment that fills or surrounds them. Such environment depending on the content of acids and alkalis, a number of hydrogen-containing media can be corrosive. It should be also noted that the influence of such corrosive environment and mechanical factors influence are simultaneous and interrelated resulting very often in brittle or quasi-brittle metal fracture. Therefore, the problem of estimating the basic metal structures engineering parameters (strength, reliability, etc.) that are corroded by the simultaneous action of mechanical force factors, is currently an important problem of industrial operation. The paper presents problems based on the theory of elasticity, electrodynamics, theoretical electrochemistry and equations of mathematical physics. According to the established analytical ratios for the calculations of effective electric potentials and the corresponding numerical experiments, the estimation of electric potentials on the surfaces of interaction of deformable metal bodies with hydrogen-containing medium is carried out.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

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