Technical state analysis of reaction rod brackets steel castings for buses


Svirska Lesya,Bartoshevskyi Denys,Krechkovska Sofiia,Ugryn Andrian,Kurnat Ivan,Bohyn Lidiia


The technical state of the unexploited steels brackets' metal has been analyzed. Their mechanical properties inconsistency with the regulated requirements has been revealed. It has been shown that the elongation δ of the bracket metal, which varied from 1.8 to 3.3%, and the yield strength were lower than the regulated level. The low values of δ and obtained ratios of yield strength to ultimate tensile strength (σYS / σUTS) indicate a low ductility reserve of the bracket metal, consequently posing a high risk of unforeseen brittle fracture during operation.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

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