The thin-walled steel beam-wall with broken edges is being investigated, which is a part of many structures. The wall of this beam consists of two prismatic parts with a linear transition from a smaller to a larger wall height, together forming an angular upper edge with the edges of the prismatic parts. The lower linear edge of the wall is attached to the sheathing.The beam-wall is subjected to static and cyclic loads, under which elastic-plastic deformations strains may occur at in the stress concentrator. This leads to failure of static strength and growth of fatigue cracks. The factors influencing the parameters of elastic-plastic deformation at in the stress concentrator of this beam are practically unstudied. The article under discussion presents the results of studying the influence of the beam-wall thickness and load vector balancing on the values of static and cyclic ranges of elastic-plastic deformations strains at in the stress concentrator. It has had been found that load vector balancing significantly improves the results of elastic-plastic deformations strains under single static loading and allows for the use of a larger load increment to achieve the same results as when no balancing is applied. Applying load vector balancing stabilizes the cyclic deformation loop practically from the first cycle. If balancing is absent, stabilization occurs only from the third cycle. Unlike static ones, the values of cyclic ranges do not depend on the application or non-application of balancing and remain practically stable with fixed geometric parameters and loading. Gradual reduction in the thickness of the beam-wall causes an increase in the range (static and cyclic) of elastic-plastic deformations strains at in the stress concentrator. The obtained results will shorten the time required for planning serial calculations of elastic-plastic deformation of a the beam-wall with edge break broken edges to develop appropriate design techniques.
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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