Langobardia maior et minor: indagini sul legame tra la scultura altomedievale e i capitelli campani


Schulte-Umberg Ulf


Langobardia maior et minor: indagini sul legame tra la scultura altomedievale e i capitelli campani. Within the southern Italian city of Capua – in the 10th and 11th century ruler's residence of the Lombard principality of Benevento and capital of Langobardia minor – a group of early medieval capitals has survived, which can be divided into three closely related types. On the basis of type I, which is bound to the corinthian capital, an examination will be made regarding to what extent relationships can be verified with the architectural sculpture of the older Lombard kingdom in northern Italy, which was incorporated into the Frankish Empire by Charlemagne as early as 774. For this purpose, certain technical and stylistic characteristics can be used, which concern in particular the overlapping tips of the acanthus leaves. The thesis is that in the very specific forms of Capuan capitals a line of tradition can be traced that is also found in other contexts of early medieval art in Campania, possibly with origins in the north.


Milano University Press

Reference176 articles.

1. Erchemperti historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum, G.H. Pertz, G. Waitz (eds), in G. Waitz (ed.), Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum sec. VI-IX, Hannover 1878 (MGH SS rer. Lang 1): 231-264.

2. Erchemperto, Ystoriola Longobardorum Beneventum degentium = Piccola Storia dei Longobardi di Benevento, A.L. Berto (ed.), Napoli 2013.

3. The chronicle of Theophanes Confessor. Byzantine and Near Eastern history, C. Mango (ed.), Oxford 1997.

4. Åberg N., Die Goten und Langobarden in Italien, Upsala 1923.

5. Aceto F. (a), Aspetti e problemi della scultura altomedievale a Gaeta, «Koinonia» 2 (1978): 239-272.







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