Clinical, immunomodulating and anti-recidive effects of ozone therapy in persistent allergic rhinitis in children


Illek Yan Yurievich1ORCID,Suetina Irina Gennadievna1ORCID,Khlebnikova Natalia Vladimirovna1ORCID


1. Kirov State Medical University


Research оbjective.To determine the effect of ozone therapy on clinical indicators and the state of immunity in children with moderate persistent allergic rhinitis. Material and methods. The study included children aged 5-10 years with moderate persis-tent allergic rhinitis, which were divided into two groups depending on the therapy. The first group of patients with allergic rhinitis received complex conventional therapy, the second group of patients with allergic rhinitis received complex treatment in combination with ozone therapy. Clinical parameters were studied in patients with allergic rhinitis, parameters of im-munological reactivity were investigated during periods of exacerbation of the disease and clinical remission. Results. It was found that the inclusion of ozone therapy in the complex treatment of patients of the second group ensured a faster onset of complete clinical remission (3.7 days earlier than in the first group of patients) and normalization of most immunity parameters, and also increased the expression of toll-like receptors on leukocyte cells. The duration of complete clinical remission in the group of patients with allergic rhinitis who received complex treatment in combination with ozone therapy (9.3 + 2 months) more than doubled (2.4 times) its duration in the group of patients with allergic rhinitis who received complex conventional therapy (3.9 + 0.3 months).


Association of Pediatric Allergologists and Immunologists of Russia

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