1. University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Forestry
2. University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
3. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
Forest ecosystems represent one of the largest and most important ecosystems on Earth, containing close to 80% of the biomass of our planet. As such, they play a significant role in the global carbon cycle because through photosynthesis, forests absorb more carbon than they emit and thus accumulate it. The most important species in deciduous forests in Europe, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), is of exceptional importance from the aspect of carbon storage. Considering that the state of carbon in pure beech forests is poorly investigated in the western part of the Balkans, the need for total carbon research was imposed to complete the picture of its stocks and factors that impact it. Research on total carbon (TC) storage in uneven-aged pure beech stands in the western part of the Balkans was carried out in three regions located approximately at the same latitude, but different longitude, imposing different macro-habitat characteristics. This research aimed to determine the TC stock and to examine the effects of orographic factors, stand canopy, and macroclimate on its values. TC stock in forest biomass was determined using appropriate regression equations and formulas, while soil organic carbon stock was determined using ICP forests methodology. Effects of different factors on carbon stock were examined using ANOVA (Type II Sums of Squares), General Linear Hypothesis Test (GLHT), and regression analyses. It was found that the largest TC stock is located in the region of Eastern Serbia (SRB) where its macroclimate is classified as suitable for hornbeam and sessile oak or mixed beech-oak stands. It was found that anthropogenic activity plays a significant role in the size of the carbon stock stored in above-ground biomass via alteration of forest canopy. The results also indicate that Aboveground Carbon (AGC) stocks are approximately proportional to Belowground Carbon (BGC; C in belowground biomass + soil C) stocks. What makes the difference is the structure of BGC, as the share of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is higher in the regions of Eastern Republic of Srpska (ERS) and Western Republic of Srpska (WRS), which are climatically classified as highly suitable for beech. Further analysis has shown that the amount of SOC decreases with increasing aridity levels. Given the results, management goals should be aimed at increasing the stock of biomass for the sake of carbon sequestration and for reducing the adverse effects of climate change, as a large amount of carbon can be stored in the above-ground and belowground biomass.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology