Positioning Accuracy Evaluation of Radio Emission Sources Using Time Difference of Arrival and Angle of Arrival Methods. Part 2. 2D-Simulation


Fokin G.ORCID,Lazarev V.


This article presents the development of a generalized mathematical model for estimating the limits of positioning accuracy, which was studied in part 1, when determining the radio source location using the difference-range and goniometric methods for particular scenarios on the plane. The results of this study were implemented in 2D models, which is a convenient tool for establishing the positioning accuracy limits and can it be practically used to substantiate the topologies of station placement in modern and advanced radio networks for solving radio communication, radar, and radio navigation problems, including adaptive beamforming for establishing and maintaining communications. Using private scenarios with three radio stations as an example, it is shown that for positioning of neighboring devices under conditions of their ultra dense distribution on the plane during the cooperation of the minimum required receivers number, the goniometer method is preferable.


Bonch-Bruevich State University of Telecommunications

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