Modeling a Program with Vulnerabilities in the Terms of Its Representations Evolution. Part 1. Life Cycle Scheme


Izrailov K.1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The investigation results of the creating programs process and the resulting vulnerabilities are presented. The first part of the articles series offers a life cycle graphical scheme of the representations (namely, the following: Idea, Conceptual model, Architecture, 2D block diagram, Function diagram, Flowchart, Structogram, Pseudo-code, Classical code, Generation metacode, Script code, Assembly code, Abstract Syntax Tree, Machine Code, Bytecode) through which any sample program passes. The main properties of such representations are indicated - the purpose, form and content, obtaining and restoring representations methods, as well as possible vulnerabilities and ways to detect them. A vulnerabilities nested classification is introduced, consisting of their division according to the structural level in the program, the change in the content of the functionality and the impact on the information being processed.


Bonch-Bruevich State University of Telecommunications

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