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2. Pirmagomedov, R., Hudoev, I., Shangina, D. Simulation of Medical Sensor Nanonetwork Applications Traffic // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2016. Vol. 678. pp. 430–441.
3. Kulik, V. A., Muthanna, A., Pham, V., Hakimov, A., Kirichek, R. V., Pirmagomedov, R. Ya. The Study of Semantic Gateway Performance // Elektrosvyaz’. 2017. No. 6. pp. 69–73.
4. Blinnikov, M., Pirmagomedov, R. Optimization of the Load on the Public Telecommunications Network, the Traffic Caused Medical Nanonetwork Application // Telecom IT. 2016. Vol. 4. Iss. 3. pp. 22–30 (in Russian).
5. Borisova, M. V., Paramonov, A. I., Pirmagomedov, R. Ya. Machine-to-Machine Traffic Analysis And Its Impact on Quality of Service // Nineteenth International Scientific Conference “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications” (DCCN). 2016. pp. 36–43.