1. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
In the field of smart antenna technologies, approaches based on simulation modeling in special Matlab software, including the Phased Array System Toolbox extension package, deserve special attention. This package provides the implementation of algorithms and methods for modeling antenna arrays (AA) and beamforming (BF) systems in various applications, including radio communication, radar and radio navigation systems. Using the capabilities of this extension package, you can analyze the performance of active and passive AAs of various geometric configurations, including complex AAs formed from composite arrays of elements. The simulation models built with this expansion package allow the formation and processing of signals using models and methods of beamforming, when working on transmission and reception. For LTE and 5G NR mobile networks, satellite systems and WLANs, the PAST extension package allows modeling multipath AAs, including those operating in the adaptive BF mode. The extension package includes models of digital and hybrid BF algorithms that operate as part of massive MIMO spatial signal processing systems in the mmWave. Simulation capabilities in the extension package include, but are not limited to, reproducing fading conditions in a multipath radio channel and evaluating their impact on communication systems with an AP; algorithms and methods for determining signal direction of arrival (DOA). In this paper, we review the coordinate systems used in the PAST extension package. Subject of study. The article is devoted to an overview of the PAST extension package for use in the new 5G Smart Antenna Technologies training course. Method. The study of the possibilities of the PAST extension package is carried out by the simulation. Main results. The result of this work is an overview of the coordinate systems in basic software tools of the PAST extension package for use in the new course "5G Smart Antenna Technologies". Practical significance. This review introduces the capabilities of the PAST extension package and is the foundation of methodological support in the implementation of algorithms and methods for modeling antenna arrays and beamforming systems within the framework of the new training course “5G Smart Antenna Technologies”.
Bonch-Bruevich State University of Telecommunications
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