Problem Statement for the Developing a New Training Course «5G Smart Antennas Technologies»


Fokin Grigoriy1


1. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications


Interest in smart antenna technologies is due to the development of ultra-dense networks of the fifth 5G and subsequent B5G (Beyond 5G) generations of the millimeter-wave band (MMW, millimeter-wave – mmWave), which is confirmed by the high publication activity of recent years both in the native, and in foreign scientific community. Together with scientific publications in foreign literature, textbooks in this area are published and republished. At the same time, in the native scientific and methodological literature, there is currently no textbook that reveals new approaches to studying the issues of adaptive beamforming using smart antennas in relation to ultra-dense 5G and B5G networks. In this paper, an analysis of the state of the problem in the field of intelligent antennas is carried out and a task is formulated for the development of an appropriate training course. Subject of study. The article is devoted to a contemporary review of the state of the problem in the field of smart antennas based on the analysis of Russian sources. Method. Analysis of the evolution of the development of methods and means of smart antenna technologies. Main results. The result of this work is the setting of the task for the development of a new training course "Technologies of smart antennas 5G". Practical significance. The analysis carried out serves as a rationale for the relevance and necessity of developing a new training course "Technologies of smart antennas 5G".


Bonch-Bruevich State University of Telecommunications


General Medicine

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